Taking your Project to the next level

Our operational model
With the contribution of our local staff, empowered with solid knowledge and understanding of the local context, our approach guarantees seamless project delivery, robust processes, and participant-centered planning, ultimately enhancing trial outcomes and encouraging participant adherence.
Enhanced trials through analytic and risk-based solutions, while ensuring robust processes and well-trained resources.
Solid Quality Management Sistem (QMS):
controlled documents; risk-based quality
control procedures; internal quality assurance activities;
vendor qualification processes; continuous training.
Permanent Quality Control:
co-monitoring schedules; internal audits.
Certification Program with CCRPS
Local based / highly qualified and experienced
quality team.
Seamless end-to-end oversight, following a structured and systematic approach, to ensure integrated and efficient project delivery.
Subject Recruitment
& Adherence
Participant-centered approach with data driven planning and decision-making, encouraging participant adherence.

Latin-America as a go-to region for research
Emerging region for clinical trials.
Large, young, diverse, and urbanized population, with high birth rates.
Population favorable towards & comfortable with clinical research, and vaccination.
High incidence of infectious diseases, covering Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Investigational sites with high quality standards.
Competitive cycle times for ethical, regulatory, and import license approval processes.
20 countries
> 600 millions inhabitants
2 official languages
86% of the population is concentrated in major urban areas
8% of global population